The NACE Evolve 2022 show is SOLD OUT! Thank you to all the attendees, exhibitors, and speakers who joined us in Vegas this year. We hope you enjoyed the informative training sessions on the latest technologies, great networking opportunities, and had some fun as well. Looking forward to seeing everyone again in 2023!
MARCH 11-14 | Rio Las Vegas
NACE EVOLVE is an annual in-depth training and networking event for:
- L&I DIRECTV Dealers
- Commercial DIRECTV Dealers
- Salespeople
- Installers
- Integrators
- System Operators
- Video Surveillance Dealers
- Project Managers
NACE Evolve is even bigger and better this year, with multiple breakout sessions on valuable topics including:
- Configuration and Troubleshooting COM3000
- DIRECTV Residential Experience (DRE)
- Satellite Fundamentals
- IPTV in L&I
- Video Surveillance Basics
- Advanced Entertainment Platform (AEP)
- Over-the-Air (OTA) and Local Channel Insertion
- How to Grow Your Business by Selling and Installing Internet, Voice, Video Surveillance, Cloud Storage, and Digital Signage
- Other integrators interested in selling and installing DIRECTV solutions within the commercial sectors
- Configuration and Troubleshooting COM3000
- DIRECTV Residential Experience (DRE)
- Satellite Fundamentals
- IPTV in L&I
- Video Surveillance Basics
- Advanced Entertainment Platform (AEP)
- Over-The-Air (OTA) and Local Channel Insertion
How to Grow Your Business by Selling and Installing Internet, Voice, Video Surveillance Cloud Storage, and Digital Signage
Other integrators interested in selling and installing DIRECTV solutions within the commercial sectors
Get special discounted room rates at Rio Las Vegas
NACE Evolve will be at newly-remodeled Rio Las Vegas, near the famous Las Vegas Strip. Breakfast and lunch are included each day, plus we’re throwing another legendary NACE party. You won’t want to miss it!
New for This Year: Faster Hotel Check-in
Treasure Island has dedicated two check-in windows exclusively for NACE Evolve guests on the afternoon of Tuesday, February 21st. Look for the signage and avoid waiting in line with other hotel guests. NACE always aims to give each of our customers VIP treatment.
In a pioneering move for both NACE Evolve and the industry, we proudly present the Installation Contractor Showcase—an exclusive opportunity to hear from DIRECTV outsourced installers who can catapult your business to national growth and expansion
NACE provides the Installation Contractor Showcase as a convenience for NACE Evolve attendees. However, NACE does not endorse or recommend any installers showcased, as they are independent contractors with their own pricing, terms, and methods. NACE is not in a partnership with these contractors and bears no responsibility for any agreements or disputes resulting from their services.